About OHO

Healthier for the body, for the money, and for the world.

Who are OHO? We started small.

But small ideas grow big. From the garage of her house, and while having a crisis trying to fix her car, she thought: "why even bother have a car? I could just use a bike." The was the beginning of a chain of thoughts that finally led to founding OHO.

After that, Rahil, the founder of OHO, started thinking about why the idea of using a bike as the main mean of moving around the city isn't actually a bad idea...

We belived, we want you to too.

She then started gathering the team. Anyone who agreed that bikes were fun and healthier for everything, and in fact, affordable. That's how the company saw the light. That's also our motto since then: "Healthier for the body, for the money, and for the world".